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Craftsman Gilder, ornamentalist, state graduate

E nlumineuse, illustrator

Or & Dcor Company

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After training in gilding  with Alain de Saporta (Saint-Zacharie), Hélène Langlet Atelier Lnor (Avignon) and de  Géraldine Arbore (Lyon) and the obtaining the CAP of gilder-ornemanist, I open the Or & D Cor workshop in the town of Saint-Chamas.

Specialized in the application of gold leaf, silver, aluminum, copper on wood, metal, parchment and other supports, in the traditional processes of gilding with tempera with matting and burnishing and the processes of gilding with the mix, in the  reconstruction of the moldings, the wood carving of the ornaments, the realization of the repair, the finish with patina or with integral gilding depending on the object._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Illuminator artist


I discovered laying gold leaf exploring medieval iconography in the workshop of illumination of Sylvie Constantine.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Exploration of the pictorial techniques of the Middle Ages, manufacture of organic pigments according to the recipes of the time and finally discovery of the laying of gold leaf on parchment.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Since then, the fascination for this material has never stopped soliciting my curiosity.

Scriptorium The writers' lab

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My curiosity for literature prompted me to pursue higher studies in literature at the University of Provence where I obtained a master's degree in modern literature.

In the continuity of my studies, writing becomes a medium that I explore. In order  to share my experience around this practice, I am training to lead writing workshops with the organization Sunshine Formation.

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